Reiki is a system of natural healing based on the concept of Universal Life Energy. We channel this energy through our hands; filling ourselves up and then overflowing to give reiki healing to others.
Universal Life Energy
"Rei" and "Ki" translate to "Divinely Intelligent Life Energy". Practicing reiki gives us a system to tap in to Nature energy at any time for the benefits of calm, clarity and greater sense of wellbeing.
Reiki Training
You'll be learning from a reiki master with over 25 years of experience. Your study, practice and coaching come together to give you an awesome reiki training experience!
Reiki Master
Jane Marshall Wright
Jane Marshall Wright became a reiki master of the Usui System of Natural Healing in 1995. She’s given classes, workshop retreats, private training and client sessions. Very direct and engaging, Jane loves to share her experience and insight with her students. What she says delights her most about reiki, is using it to work co-creatively with Nature to flourish in life.
A California native, she enjoys gardening and the lifelong study of astrology as ways to understand and harmonize with the cycles of Nature. Also a writer and visual artist, her mediums include pen and ink, watercolor, oil and acrylics, and mosaic art panels.